A tote bag is on an opposite spectrum from a clutch bag in terms of size. But are they that much different?
Our clutch leather handbag was intended as a small bag that is easy to carry around, so the main purpose of the clutch is to allow you to stay light and carry your daily essentials.
Then we started hearing from some of our existing customers, as well as people at markets and expos that their "essentials" don't fit into a clutch: they need a work bag to carry a laptop, or textbooks to uni, or they want to be able to fit in their gym clothes for a session after work.
Basically, your "daily essentials" change on a daily basis depending on what you plan for the day. On some days a leather handbag is more than enough, and on other days you need a bigger work tote bag for all those things to fit in (laptop, books etc.).
It made me think again how we are all different and how we are all the same: we all have the same need for comfort, elegance and practicality.
Different shapes, different sizes. Same needs, same values.
This is where the idea to make a tote bag came from. As a product manager and a design, I wanted to create a bag that is not only valued for its looks, but also for its usability and ability to solve real problems for real people. I started talking to people - customers and strangers, young and old, tall and short, women and men - trying to understand what the main pain points are.
What I've heard is that very often handles of a tote bag are too short, so you cannot put it on your shoulder and have to carry the bag around in your hands. Or the handles are too long, which is becoming a problem for petite people: they cannot hold a bag with long handles in their hands, because the bag will touch the ground (and get dirty).
It turned out that many people dislike when a tote bag isn't deep enough so a laptop or other bulky things stick out of the bag.
Weight of a tote bag is a big thing too. Most people hate it when an empty bag is already heavy! How will it feel when you put things in it and carry around for a full day?!
I took all that feedback onboard and started sketching, making paper prototypes, sketching again. Then testing the paper model with people to get the size/depth of the bag, the length and the width of handles right. Once the paper model was refined, we created a sample in leather. I then showed it to different people to get feedback, we did another iteration and refined it again, and finally brought it to the Life InStyle exhibition in Melbourne earlier this year. We've heard some great feedback from our customers and exhibition visitors and I finally felt we are ready for production.
It took us almost 8 months to create our Marina Pan leather tote bag, from start to finish.
Here are the main design decisions we've made to create a tote bag that meets your needs:
1. Light-weight design
Our leather tote bag is thoughtfully designed to be lightweight (due to raw interior and light leather), so even when packed with daily essentials, you can carry it with ease.
2. Soft durable leather
We've selected a luxurious soft pebble cow leather that not only feels great to the touch but also stands the test of time.
3. Perfect Handle Length
We've crafted the handles for your comfort - long enough for effortless wear with a puff jacket, yet just the right length to keep the bag clear off the ground when you hold it in your hand.
4. Strong and Sag-Free
Say goodbye to sagging bags. With a reinforced bottom, your bag won't sag no matter what you put in, ensuring a stylish silhouette without any discomfort.
And here we are today: our beautiful leather tote bags (brown tote bag and taupe tote bag) are ready for a new home and I'm glad I can share my journey with you!